PAGES Golf Academy offers club fitting to cover all of your equipment needs. Custom-fit golf clubs will make a big difference in your game and we have exactly what you are looking for!!!

Custom fitting is an important piece of the overall idea of providing a golfer with the tools and information necessary to reach their maximum potential in the game.

The fitting process

You need to bring your own set of clubs with you for our fitter to initially assess your current specs. This will also help you understand while testing new equipment the differences between your equipment and the new one.

Using both visual look of your golf swing, tendencies and golf simulator’s data our fitter will initially start with a static test and then you will hit balls using the simulator and according to your data, goals for your game, playing time, our fitter will give you series of combinations of shafts and heads, monitoring each combination until the ultimate combination matched.

This process takes approximately 90 minutes for irons only or driver and approximately 3 hours per whole set, which includes wedges and putter.

Our fitting process will provide accurate results of all the following specifications necessary for a perfect fit:

Club Length

Club length greatly affects swing mechanics and ball flight. If a club’s length is too long or too short for a player, it will affect the player’s balance and spine angle. Club length also affects centeredness of impact and lie angle which affects direction.

Club length greatly influences a player’s ability to return the club to a repeatable square position at impact. The longer the club, the more potential for off centered hits, which results in both distance and directional problems.

Club length plays a role in both shot accuracy and distance as well. When finding the proper length for both of these factors, a given player has a greater potential for good performance. Finding the club length that best matches a players height and ability is a key part of club performance.

Lie Angle

Lie angle is the primary influence on ball direction.

Clubs with inaccurately set lie angles will be the root of many golf swing problems.

The golfer learns to adjust or make swing compensations to overcome deficiencies built into the set of clubs.

If the lie angle is too upright the golfer will tend to change their posture and swing plane to accommodate the upright lie in order to hit the ball straight.

The overall tendency is for an upright lie to produce shots that go left and a flat lie produces shots that fly right.

Shaft Flex

Based on several swing factors, properly matched shafts will allow a player to consistently return the club to the ideal impact position.

On the other hand, ill matched shafts will usually require a greater degree of timing with the hands to make up for the out of proportion reacting shaft tendencies.

Things such as the trajectory and curve of the ball can directly be affected by the type of shaft used.

Much of the feel that a player has comes from the shaft component of the club.

If a shaft is too stiff or too flexible, too heavy or too light, or lacks proper feel, performance will be compromised.

Swing Weight

Swing weight is the balance relationship between the club head and the grip end of the golf club.

This weight ratio is dictated by the various component parts of the club. Swing weight will effect feel and swing mechanics.

For example, if the club head feels too light the player may have a harder time returning the club head to a consistent impact position.

If the feeling of the club head is too heavy, then it can cause the player to overuse the upper body in order to create club head speed on the downswing.

Shaft Weight

Shaft weight can affect ball flight and players feel, as well as shaft flex.

Generally, the lighter the shaft the more the player can feel the club head, and the heavier the shaft weight the player will feel less of the club head.

Shaft weight can also have an effect on the amount of club head speed that a player can generate.


Loft is the most determining factor of a clubs makeup for distance.

The less loft there is, the farther the ball will fly and vice versa.

Loft gapping between clubs is critical for consistent distance control from club to club.

Many clubs that are purchased off the shelf will not always have this proper gapping.

Grip Size

Grip size is a critical component of feel and timing of the golf club’s release.

An incorrect grip size can influence swing mechanics by increasing or decreasing the player’s ability to release the club.

A grip that is too large can make it harder for a player to release or rotate the club head.

A grip that is too small for the player can make the player release the club too early.

Small grips can also make a player increase tension in order to hold onto the club tightly enough to keep it from slipping.

Smash Factor

This is a measurement of how well the ball is being struck by the club head.

It is important to access the amount of energy that is transferred from the moving club head to the ball. Angle of attack, club head path, and face angle at impact directly relate to the quality of the smash factor and therefore the distance the ball goes.

The power transfer ratio correlates directly to the centeredness of the hit on the horizontal face angle and the club face’s COR.

A benchmark for good smash factor is 1.50 or 150%, meaning the ball is traveling at 150% of the club head speed.

If the club head is traveling at 100mph and the ball is traveling 150mph you have a smash factor of 1.50.

Ball Speed

Ball speed directly determines how far the ball will travel. It is a direct result of club head speed.

Ball speed is affected by the club head’s Coefficient of Restitution (COR).

The greater the COR, the greater the ball speed on “center hits”.

The better the impact the more energy will be transferred from the club head to the ball. In most cases, the higher the ball speed the more distance the ball will travel and the lower the ball speed the less distance the ball will travel; as long as launch angle and spin rate are complimentary.

Launch Angle

Launch angle is the initial angle in relation to the ground line that the ball left the club head.

Launch angle is an especially important factor in optimizing the relationship of ball speed and spin rate in order to achieve maximum distance.

There are many things that influence launch angle, beginning with each individuals swing mechanics.

Launch angles can change dramatically with a change in one’s swing plane and release point.

For this reason, all fitting sessions need to be tailored to whether or not the player is actively trying to improve their swing technique or not.

Spin Rate

Spin rate also affects ball flight, distance, and trajectory. Club head speed is important in determining the spin rate, as well as, what is called the angle of descent. If the angle is sharp, it will produce more spin.

If it is shallow, then it will produce less spin. Additionally, it is important for a player to use a golf ball that provides the spin rate that is ideal for their particular swing specs. Many times players will see quantifiable spin rate differences with different balls.

These differences affect both trajectory and distance.

We all seek for ways to hit the ball further and more consistent, properly fit golf clubs are a key component in accomplishing both of these desires.

Beginner Golfers

For new people starting the game, it can be challenge when it comes to buying a new set of clubs. Buying wrong clubs from the beginning makes the learning process harder and sometimes reasons for a bad swing.

Even a new player, whose skills have not yet developed can benefit from custom fit clubs, that are at the correct length, lie, shaft, weight and grip size.
We offer custom partial sets for players who do not wish to buy a whole set from the beginning. They can add clubs while they progress their skills and playing time.

Junior Golfers

Junior Fitting is important for a proper fundamental golf swing. Usually, junior golfers are given cut down clubs, which are wrong for them, very heavy, and wrong grips. This leads to them developing compensations in order to hit the ball properly. Those compensations will become bad habits and sooner or later will follow them through their lives.

Proper clubs for juniors will help them develop their fundamental movements properly. Since, juniors grow at rapid rates our fitter can choose a set of clubs that will allow the set to grow as the junior grows, maximizing the length of how long he or she can use them before needing a new set.